There are only about 650 Mountain Gorillas alive in the world!
Gorillas not only have fingerprints, they have nose prints too!
Gorillas are vegetarians but they will eat ants, slugs, and termites, too!
A silverback male gorilla may weigh over 200 kilos. That's twice as much as a female gorilla, and three times as much as the average human.
Gorillas live mainly on the ground, but where trees are strong and fruiting, whole groups can be seen in them.
Did you know that when a gorilla burps, it is a sign of contentment.
Gorillas can make over twenty-five sounds to communicate with.
They are threatened by poaching, loss of habitat, human disease and war.
Female gorillas only bear one infant about every four years.
The Gorilla you may see in the zoo is most likely a Western Lowland Gorilla.
Only a few dozen Eastern Lowland Gorillas live in zoos.
The Mountain Gorilla is the most rarest of all gorillas.
A gorilla baby will grow almost twice as fast as a human baby.
Do you know something about Gorillas? If you think you can add to this list, send us an e-mail! And keep your eyes peeled for the"ACORN AWARD". Know enough, and it may be yours!