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In honor of all those who fell victim to the terrorist attack, to the hero's both named and unnamed, to the ones left behind, and to America.

September 11, 2001
More than a week,
Smoke still climbs high,
To the Heavens,
Where Angels sigh.
For with it the souls,
Of our loved ones lost,
Rise from the rubble,
Where bodies were tossed.
The sadness here,
May never end.
Tears that flow,
Hearts slow to mend.
Rescuers, victims,
All are the same.
No one was spared in,
The terrorist's game.
Now the ones who
Were left behind,
Carry their photo's,
And search their minds,
Amid the remnants,
Where two towers fell,
Leaving behind such
A virtual Hell.
A Brotherhood
Of Nations rise,
To aid the search,
To work with pride.
It's true we'll rebuild,
We know time will heal.
But we won't forget,
This pain that we feel.
In Unity,
Will stand up tall,
For Liberty.
A country of pride,
Our people are strong.
We'll stand side by side,
'Till the terror's gone.
L.A.D.S. (c) copyright 2001
Too Sad

I sit now drawn into my shell,
Thinking of the tower of hell.
How sad it is, they were so young.
How sad it is, their song not sung.

They came they took it all away.
They came right in the light of day.
No care as to how much it cost.
No care that precious life was lost.

The world we knew has gone away.
Ne'er to return another day.
The pain that lies upon my heart.
Rips through my chest, tears me apart.

How can I face this world I see,
So much is lost of Liberty.
I'll face it as I have before.
My heart is free.   I'll lose no more.
L.A.D.S.  copyright(c)2001
A Quiet Place
When my days done, and I can't rest,
And I have done my very best.
I'll find a quiet place to think,
And watch the stars above me wink.

I'll sit and ponder what's been done,
And know the best is yet to come.
Sometimes I'm lucky and I see,
A shooting star pass over me.

Quite often there's a gentle breeze,
Which helps to put my soul at ease.
Whispering leaves and soft sweet scents,
Sing songs that make me feel content.

It's in this place of solitude,
I find the strength to start anew.
This quiet place will always be,
A most important part of me.
L.A.D.S.  copyright(c)2001

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